Almost 1,200 Santas make pre-Christmas dash through streets of Burlington Publié le Décembre 6, 2011 par surintendant Imagine the shock in Burlington as people headed to church or Sunday brunch to find more than 1,150 Santa Clauses running through city streets. The inaugural Ri Ra’s Santa 5K Run and Walk generated at least $1,000 for Vermont Make-A-Wish Foundation, officials said. .. For a $30 entry fee, runners received a full red and white trimmed Santa suit including hat, jacket, trousers, black belt and white beard, and upon crossing the finish line, a race medal. They also feasted on a traditional hot Irish breakfast at Ri Ra’s while waiting for the awards ceremony. .. The largest Santa race in Canada is scheduled for next weekend in Burlington, Ontario, with an estimated 4,000 runners expected. Organizers from that event were on hand to help direct the inaugural Vermont event.